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Supply Chain Executive


To provide operation and administration support to Supply Chain, to bridge the local operation related communication between company, distributors and 3rd party logistic service partner/ import agency


I.Supply Chain
· Responsible for handling and monitoring shipment status and follow up the relevant documentations and system update.
· Liaise with distributors, logistic company, and warehouse for delivery arrangement.
· Coordinate and liaise internal department and external for stock movement.
· Liaise with UK suppliers and follow up order status.
· Cooperate with external warehouse to ensure the inventory accuracy at warehouse.

· Handle sales orders follow up and issue related documents (order confirmation, invoice, delivery note ect.)
· Liaise with distributors, logistic company, and warehouse for delivery arrangement.
· Handle shipment forecast & Planning,
· Prepare monthly internal inventory report and wholesaler inventory report.
· Handle TNT reporting and tracking
· Handle Quality reporting and tacking
· Handle import/export declaration, import/ export permit application and duty paid application.
· Any other ad-hoc duties.
· II. Office admin
· Handle general clerical duties and provide administration support , work outdoor if necessary (go to bank , post office etc)
· Provide full spectrum of office administrative support, including office supplies handling, office equipment & facilities maintenance, insurance & license renewal, etc
· Liaise and coordinate with external vendors and service providers as well as monitor
· Perform any other ad hoc tasks as assigned.
· III. Finance
· Monthly supplier payment
· Bank Reconciliation
· Bank payment application (SOD requirement)


1. Facilitate to plan, execute and track trade promotion and activations 

2. Work with team to plan, execute and track trade promotions and activations under agreed investment
3. Track the progress of growth drivers for better trade planning 

4. Actively utilize fact based trade database/information to drive and track growth drivers.
5. Work closely with sales team and key stakeholders to understand market opportunity and potentials. 

6. Work closely with sales team and key stakeholders to understand market opportunities and pote.


  • 我們提供具有競爭力的薪水和福利,旨在促進員工的財務狀況, 包括獎金計劃。
  • 我們的員工享有優於勞基法的休假制度。
  • 私人醫療和牙科保險
  • 退休金條款依照當地勞工退休金條例規定。
  • 我們的員工援助計劃在醫療,財務和法律以及家庭和家庭問題等日常事務上提供實用,公正的支持。
  • 人身壽險包含在公司團體保險計劃中。
  • 享有產品補貼,使您可以和家人朋友一起享用我們的夢幻品牌組合。
  • 每位員工每年都有機會為一個或多個自己籌集資金,志願服務或個人捐贈的慈善機構申請資金。
  • 提供學習資源以幫助您成為自己最好的自己。



William Grant & Sons:才俊施展抱負的家園。


William Grant & Sons 立志做為發展且實現理想抱負的家園,每位同仁擁有各自的特質、技能、經驗和視角,我們無不珍視。多元與包容是William Grant & Sons經營與管理的重要原則。秉持公司目標及理念,力求創造良好的工作環境,讓同仁盡其所能,全心投入工作。




多元與包容是 William Grant & Sons 經營與管理的一項重要原則,秉承的是公司的目標和理念。我們力求招聘不拘一格,廣攬人才。如果您對應徵事宜有何疑問或者需要幫助,我們十分歡迎您來函來電。所以敬請與我們 的人事部門聯繫。

William Grant & Sons


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