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Brand Ambassador - The Balvenie


To generate sustained knowledge, passion, and commitment for WGS Brand amongst consumers, customers, and the media in order to maximise visibility and build a strong brand presence in the marketplace.


• Plan, deliver review and evaluate agreed range of activities to increase awareness and knowledge amongst customers and consumers of TBV Brand in line with Brand profile, current Brand plan and budget

• Build strong working relationships with consumers, customers, and internal stakeholders in order to optimise opportunities to deliver value adding activities and increase product visibility

• Ensure, through a range of activities, that customers are equipped to serve and promote the Brand to consumers, enabling them to become champions/ambassadors for the Brand

• Proactively identify opportunities for improving brand presence and driving distribution

• Provide input to Brand plans in prioritising investments and evaluating Brand initiatives

• Be the face of the Brand and source of Brand knowledge to our own employees (and extended community), to help with internal brand building

• Report to Brand teams on competitor activity

• Take an active role in developing NPD/serve initiatives


  • 我们提供有竞争力的薪酬和福利,旨在促进员工的经济福利,包括奖金计划。
  • 我们的员工享受优厚的假期待遇。
  • 补充医疗保险,包括住院津贴和年度身体健康体检。
  • 由本土法定养老金政策提供。
  • 我们的员工援助计划为从医疗、财务和法律到家庭和家庭问题的日常事务提供实际、公正的支持。
  • 公司产品津贴,让您和您的亲朋好友可以享受我们来自于不同产品组合的神奇体验。
  • 每位员工每年都有机会申请捐赠资金,用于他们筹集资金、自愿投入时间或个人捐赠的慈善机构。
  • 学习资源能帮助你成为最好的自己。



William Grant & Sons:罕见人才大放异彩的大本营。


William Grant & Sons 立志做为发展且实现理想抱负的家园,每位同仁拥有各自的特质、技能、经验和视角,我们无不珍视。多元与包容是William Grant & Sons经营与管理的重要原则。秉持公司目标及理念,力求创造良好的工作环境,让同仁尽其所能,全心投入工作。



多样性和包容性是我们William Grant & Sons行事方式的核心,并与我们的目标以及企业价值观完全一致。我们希望能确保我们招聘流程的包容性。如果您有任何问题,或者需要申请相关支持,请与我们取得联系。因此,请在recruitment.enquiries@wgrant.com与我们的HR团队联系。


William Grant & Sons


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